Sql sever里面有个自带的reverse函数,这个函数的主要功能是把一个字符产反转。比如对于:
select REVERSE('hello,world')
;with cte1(seq, vv) as( select 1, 'fine' union all select 2, 'great' union all select 3, 'adfinioqweiweio' union all select 5, 'hello,world' union all select 4, 'piasdf'),cte2(seq, vv, vvs, len) as( select seq, vv, cast(substring(vv, len(vv), 1) as varchar(200)), len(vv) from cte1),cte3(seq, vv, vvs, len) as( select * from cte2 union all select c2.seq, c3.vv, cast(c3.vvs + substring(c3.vv, c3.len-1, 1) as varchar(200)), c3.len-1 from cte2 c2 join cte3 c3 on c2.seq = c3.seq and c3.len <= c2.len and c3.len > 1)select * from cte3where len = 1order by seq, len
;with cte1(id, data) as( select 1, 'Jacob' union all select 2, 'Sebastn' union all select 3, 'Hello,world'),Numbers AS ( SELECT *, SUBSTRING(data, n, 1) as sub FROM cte1 join dbo.Number on N <= len(data))select *from cte1 c1 cross apply( select substring(sub, 1, len(sub)) from Numbers nm where nm.id = c1.id order by n desc for xml path('')) as c(p)
posted on 2018-03-24 09:24 阅读( ...) 评论( ...)